
The Brelli Biodegradable Umbrella

Dr. Scholl's Renew Exercise Sandal


Levi makes eco-friendly skinny jeans! These will go great with Strong Truths eco-friendly t-shirts. These jeans come in 3 different shades, which are cloud (light blue), black sheen (black), and clean air (dark blue). They're made with recycled cotton and spandex.
How To Style Your Hair.

To achieve straight hair, you have to brush your hair while it's wet. If you want wavy hair, all you have to do is braid your hair! Try to avoid hairspray, gel, and heating products. They smell and can add up on your electricity bill.
Right: Ojon Rub-Out Dry Cleanser
Dial Soap Eco-Smart ™ Refill

"Eco-Smart™ Refill." 1 June 2009.
"Green Dish with Lara Spencer." 27 May 2009.
" - Women: Collections: Levi's." The Official Levi's® Jeans Store. 24 Jan. 2009 <>.
"Organic Jeans." Whole Living: Balanced Living in a Busy World. 24 Jan. 2009 <>.
"PlantLove™ Botanical Lipstick." 27 May 2009.
Seward, Elizabeth. "Style Your Hair Without The Heat." Planet Green. 24 Jan. 2009.